How Veterinary Emergency Group continues to grow rapidly with Jennifer Hanlon

Jennifer Hanlon is the Director of Real Estate for Veterinary Emergency Group , also known as VEG. VEG is a rapidly growing, venture-backed veterinary emergency company that grows almost exclusively by de novo, aka the hard way, and currently has 40+ locations open coast to coast.

Jennifer shares her experience as a woman in commercial real estate and gives advice for other young women looking to make a splash. 

Jennifer and Austin discuss how long pipelines in commercial real estate developments mean that even though inflation has peaked, project costs have not. They discuss strategies to deal with high costs and how VEG is planning on growing in 2023. 

Podcast recommendations: How I Built This, 

Book recommendations: Nice Girls Still Don’t Get The Corner Office, The Four Seasons, The Four Agreements, Growing Great Employees, Around the Corner to Around the World: A Dozen Lessons I Learned Running Dunkin Donuts.

Get in touch:

Jennifer Hanlon on linked in

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