From $500k to $2.4M in 9 months with Kiera Dent, Founder and CEO of Dental A Team

Kiera Dent is the Founder and CEO of dental A team.

Straight out of school, Kiera was offered ownership in a startup dental office. They started one practice and grew from 500k – 2.4M in 9 months, immediately acquired 1 more and then more for total of 7 in 3 years.  Although profitable, they realized what they had was creating more chaos in their lives than it was worth. So, they sold out over 1.5 years. 

Kiera realized she had a knack for sales but was spending too much time putting out fires because of the lack of systems in place. So after they sold she began helping others forego the mistakes she made in business.

We talk about the importance of good street visibility and how much difference a good sign can make.

Oh, and she almost got deported from Canada!

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