Employee Attrition with Dr. Paul Etchison, Host of Dental Practice Heroes Podcast

 Dr. Paul Etchison is the host of Dental Practice Heroes Podcast and owner of  Nelson Ridge Family Dental.

With a staff of 34 employees, Dr. Paul has never had anyone quit on him in nine years. He attributes this feat to communicating with his staff and empathizing with them. It may be cliche, but it's not easy.

He shares his precise methods of communication and empathizing that work well for him in the episode, as well as new things he learned from the book “I Hear You.”

His book recommendations are: 
Making money is Killing Your Business by Chuck Blakeman,  who was on our show
Clockwork by Michael Michaelwitz
Emyth by Michael Gerber

Dental Practice Heroes Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-dental-practice-heroes-podcast/id1315253777

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